Doctoral program in public policy is designed to provide professionals, researchers and students with advanced knowledge and expertise of public policy in any field of research interest. The applicants who wish to enroll in doctoral program in Public Policy must present great interest in conducting independent research under the guidance of academic supervisor, in teaching two courses relevant to their field of research at NUM and assisting academic supervisors in research and teaching activities.
Admission Requirement
To be admitted into the doctoral program in Public Policy at the National University of Management, students must possess:
-master’s degree with good qualification in research;
-official master’s transcript;
-completed application form with two letters of recommendation;
-summary of curriculum vitae with work experiences;
-evidence of proficiency in the use of English language;
-evidence of proficiency in the use of information technology;
-preliminary research proposal with 5 to 10 pages.
Credit and Graduation Requirement
Doctoral program in public policy is a graduate program with the total credits of 54.
Employment Opportunities
There are numerous employment opportunities for the graduates of NUM School of Public Policy, which can be classified in to public sector, private sector, non-profit organization, international organization, and academic.
In public sector, the graduates may serve as civil servants in charge of policy, planning and administration; legislative assistants in charge of research, drafting policy and legislative proposal; diplomat; public and international affairs management and relations, etc.
In private sector, the graduates may serve as corporate social responsibility (CSR) managers, consultants, public relation officers, strategy and planning managers, etc. For non-profit organization, the graduates may serve as program managers, advocacy officers, researchers, policy advisors, etc.
In an international organization, the graduates may serve as policy officers, foreign service officers, development analysts, etc. For academic, the graduates can serve as academic researchers, professors, think tank analysts, etc.