Our Academic Ecosystem

Dear students,

I am Stephen Paterson, Associate Professor and Vice-Rector in charge of international academic programs at the National University of Management.

I have been involved in entrepreneurship education in Cambodia and in the ASEAN regions for more than 20 years. Based on this background and experiences, I am of the view that these new international programs which include (i) Bachelor of Public Policy, (ii) Master of Public Policy, (iii) Master of Science in Digital Economy, and (iv) Master of Law (Comparative Law) will definitely fulfill the need of those who are working for the government, entrepreneurs, business organizations and education/research institutions.

As part of internationalization of higher education, our international programs aim to provide students with international environment and experiences in learning and research. All courses are conducted in English by international and Cambodian professors or lecturers who hold degrees from abroad or have extensive experiences in their areas of expertise. Currently, we have international cooperation with International University Partners on a number of activities including study tour, students exchange, joint workshop/seminar/research, credit exchange, and dual degrees for students of our undergraduate programs. We also plan to extend such international cooperation for our students enrolled in graduate level programs.

Aligned with the strategic vision of the National University of Management (NUM)—to be a leading institution in education, research, innovation, and entrepreneurship—the School of Public Policy actively encourages both academic staff and students to engage in research and work-based projects throughout and beyond their academic journey. We firmly believe that teaching, learning, and research are interconnected pillars that enhance the educational experience.

The School of Public Policy is located at NUM’s Veal Sbov Campus, which is home to four specialized research centers (CERI, AERI, CDL & Combovers Center) that provide essential support for the students. In addition, NUM Social Innovation Lab, NUM Career Center and NUM Robotic Lab at NUM Wat Phnom Campus will expose our students to business incubation, technology and career development. Within this academic environment, our students master their majors and improve their problem-solving skill through evidence-based decision.

Center of Excellence for R&D and Innovation

The National University of Management’s Center of Excellence for R&D and Innovation (CERI), formerly known as NUM-Research Center, has been established since 2013. It was a result of the university’s effort to create a network between academia and the business community, as well as to promote research activities among faculty members and other researchers worldwide.

Motivated by the strong commitment of NUM management and staff, several development partners, including the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the United Nations Development Programme in Cambodia, have provided support for the implementation of various project activities under the center.

ASEAN Economic Research Institution

The National University of Management is honored to be selected by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports to establish an institute to support academic research with a focus on economic issues and policy development in line with a particular focus on the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

The establishment of the ASEAN Economic Research Institute confirms NUM’s commitment to enhance and encourage research among faculties in the area of economic strategy and policy. The initial impetus for this project comes from Cambodia taking the Chair of ASEAN in 2022 and it is expected that research will be initially driven by the theme and direction of Cambodia’s chairmanship in continuing the development of AEC in line with the ASEAN Charter.

Center for Digital Law

The Center for Digital Law is located in the NUM’s Veal Sbov Campus and collaborate with other related faculties including School of Public Policy, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Digital Economy, Faculty of Information Technology, like-minded research centers as well as NUM School of Graduate Studies. The missions of the Center for Digital Law at NUM include (i) technology transfer support (acting as Technology Transfer Office-TTO); (ii) research and study on technology and digital laws; and (iii) legal training.

The CamboVerse Center

The CamboVerse Center focuses on exploring and developing virtual and augmented reality experiences with a particular emphasis on Cambodian cultural and historical contexts. Such a center promotes the preservation and innovative dissemination of cultural heritage through modern technology, making it accessible to a global audience and future generations. By merging technology with cultural education, the CamboVerse Center hopes to foster a deeper global appreciation and understanding of Cambodian culture, history, and contributions.

NUM Social Innovation Lab

The NUM Social Innovation Lab is part of the EU funded South-East Asian Social Innovation Network (SEASIN) with additional support being provided by SMART Axiata.

The Social Innovation Lab serves as both a space for seminars and interactive workshops on topics related to social innovation and entrepreneurship and also as an incubator to help develop and launch new social ventures.

NUM Career Center

With the support of USAID Cambodia, the University of California Berkley (UCB) in collaboration with The Asia Foundation and the National University of Management has launched the “Digital Career Development” project.

This five-year project aims to enhance digital employment skills by strengthening the capacity of higher education institutions in Cambodia to receive international standard assessments, increase the number of scholarships, internships and relationship building opportunities to support the implementation of skills and employment opportunities for Cambodian youth. NUM as a partner of the project, commenced the Career Center supported by USAID.

NUM Robotic Creative Lab

Robotic Lab is established to support IT students with their mechanical practices and develop robotic competition. The competition also fosters student engagement in scientific and applied research.